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Mig-9 over China

4. 8. 2017


Vznik Mig-9 začal v 1944, ale protože vývoj proudových motorů značně zaostával, přikročilo se k okopírování německých BMW 003. Ač se to možná nezdá, jediným letounem, který s tímto motorem dosud létal a bojoval byl He 162. Proč si rusové nevybrali motor Jumo nevím. Ve hře zřejmě není pozdní rusy vylepšená verze BMW 003S, která dávala asi o 20% vyšší tah. V 6000m tak udělá maximálku cca 840-850 km/h, je tedy rychlejší než Me 262, ale jen o nějakých 40 km/h . Drak letounu se zdá na pohled zdařilý, ale ocasní část se musela vypořádat s dopady vysokých teplot spoza motorů, nevhodně umístěná výzbroj a celkově špatná základna pro další evoluci. Vývoj byl proto přenesen na drak legendárního nástupce Mig-15. Fargo se tak už nedostal do bojů v Koreji a nemít prvenství aspoň jakožto první ruský prouďák, skončil by v propadlišti dějin úplně.

Procedura stoupání je následující- po klasickém startu stáhnout výkon na 80%, a pozvolné stoupání zahájit při dosažení 600 km/h. V 7000m budete asi za 4 minuty. Fargo je záchytný stíhač a jeho dolet je velmi malý. V 10 000m už je první budík na 0 a začne ubývat i druhý.

Mig-9 měl 1x 37mm a 2x 23mm kanony. S velkým kanonem byl ale problém ve vyšších nadmořských výškách, kdy motory při nasátí střelných spalin vysadily. Toto překvapivě simuluje i hra a tak je kanon použitelný jen do výšky kolem 4000m, výše jste odkázáni na dva menší, avšak stále velmi účinné. Taktiku boje s takovým strojem si jistě doplníte sami, rychlost je jeho jediná deviza. 

V boji může motor začít hořet, ale vždy se mi zdařilo jej uhasit letem střemhlav. Motor je nějak vylepšen a pokud trhnete tahem, nezničí se, smysl to ale vzhledem k mizerný akceleraci nemá. 

Test Jak-15

Test Mig-9

Přelet Mig-9 15.10

Obrana konvoje  Jak-15    1.10

Doprovod delegace  Jak-15   5.10

Útok na lodě Jak-15  12.10

Obrana kolony

B-24 Mig-9  20.10

B-24 Mig-9  23.10

B-25 Mig-9  26.10

Rumburak campaign.

On October 4, 1949, Czechoslovakia recognized the People's Republic of China as one of the first countries and established diplomatic relations with it.

Unofficial cooperation, however, began a year earlier with the help of Communists in their efforts to defeat Westward-supported nationalists. However, this aid has increased in the deployment of a military mission. The agreement was signed with the counterpart by National Defense Minister L.Svoboda at a meeting with a Chinese counterpart in Moscow.

The Czechoslovak Air Force Regiment Rumburak, the so-called volunteers under the command of Major Vomacka, arrived to China in the spring of 1949. There were twelve of the time the school machines Yak-15 (Squadron 1) equipped with armament and 12 modern Mig-9 (Squadron 2) Including ground staff. The group shared a base in Quanzhou with the Chinese fighter and bomber regiment. It fell under the command of 65th IAD. The task of the Migs was to protect point industrial targets primarily at medium heights. Less powerful, but more deft Yaks took over the defensive role of the airspace at lower levels. Although the Mao communists were victorious in the land war, and Kuomintang was already pushed into Formosa-today's Taiwan, the PLAAF Air Force was defensive and nationalist reinforced by the US Air Force, attacking cities, logistics and industry. Rumburak was here on the CNAF's main route.

On May 20, 1949, General Tchang visited Quanzhou Airport, along with the main sturman and deputy commander 65.IAD Major Sung. They decided that the Czechoslovak unit, made up of two squadrons, would be able to commence operations 22.5 at 4:30 am. To ensure co-ordination at the front, the Chief Division of the Chinese Officer assigned the unit to the head of the Operations Unit. From now on, the group was ready to take on combat tasks.

The PLAAF was equipped with a mix of older Japanese and Russian fighters, the best of which was La-9. Stalin has added to China a large number of deactivated Mig-9s a year later. The Battle Activity of the Czechoslovaks ended in the mid-1950s with the beginning of the Korean War. However, Czechoslovakia continued with material help in this conflict ...


Yak-15   test 



1x Yak-15 1x RD-10 engine (Jumo 004B) 

1x Yak-15 1x RD-10 engine (Jumo 004B) Player

Check the stability, maneuverability and speed limits. Attention, engine temperature can not longer time exceed 800 C°

Target: You test 2x NS 23mm guns. Follow  lead Yak-15 to Liptovska Osada (L9) in 3000m. Here destroy 6x trainer targets in 2500m.

Test the maximum speed at this height , after go back and make perfect landing.

Yak-15 dont have radio compass, for navigation back you can call your base for home course (only 100km before home base).

Hodne stesti!


Mig-9   test 



1x Mig-9 2x RD-20 engine (BMW 003A)

1x Mig-9 2x RD-20 engine (BMW 003A) Player

Home base AM beacon

Target BD beacon

Check the stability, maneuverability and speed limits.

Attention, engine temperature can not longer time exceed the 800 C°. Remember, do not use the 37 mm cannon at a height over 4,000 meters. Fire gases are sucked in engine and then probably turned him off !! In the fight Take advantage your speed advantage. Learn to use the radio compass for quick return to base. Keep an eye on the fuel gauge. At high speeds maneuver very gently. Read attentively briefing before mission start. Do not use autopilot because those will destroy jet engines.


1) You test 2x NS 23mm and 1x NS 37 mm guns. Follow lead  Mig-9 to Liptovska Osada (L9) in 3000m (BD beacon). Here destroy 6x trainer targets in 2800m.

2) Check the stability, maneuverability and speed limits.

Test the maximum speed at this height , after go back and make perfect landing.

Mig has radio compass  for navigation back  to home base  (useable only 150km before home base).

Use skin RRG_Markings-Chinese

Hodne stesti!


Landing in Vozdvizhenka

1.6.1949 11am

65th IAD

1x Mig-9 Player

Home radio beacon AM (useable 150 km before beacon)

Welcome in war zone in Kwangok Tong airfield. Situation over roads is very dangerous, Kuomintag air force attacked our roads and supply. The last 200 km to your combat base must  to fly on your own. Fly in course 35° on AM beacon in 3500m. Your task is landing at your new combat airfield Vozdvizhenka (AQ22).

All our fighters are now in Vozdvizhenka, this is last plane.

Use Chinese skin for all missions.

Hodne stesti!


Askold defense


65th IAD

4x Tu-2

4x Il-10

4x Il-10

4x Il-10

3x La-9

3x Yak-15  player


LP.7 of MiG-9s and Yak-15s, each with two regiments of 20 aircraft, were transferred to China in May 1949 for air defense and training duties. LP.7 under 65th IAD protected Guangzhou.

Kuomintang Air force CNAF operated in 1949 from the island of Formosa. Nacionalist bombers attacked the Chinese cities and industry.

Aerial Regiment Czechoslovak volunteers came to China in may 1949. The regiment got into a fight in early june 1949. In the armament was 12 light school jet fighters Yak-15 and 12 more powerful interceptors Mig-9. Operated separately or together with the Chinese Air Force PLAAF.

First alarm! Our three jet fighters go to first battle over China.

Nacionalist combat ships attacking Askold fort (AU10). Our bombers go destroy enemy ships (AU8) In height 1500m . Ships are protected by enemy fighters. Follow our bomber group to the battle south of island. Our jet fighters are initially slow, but soon the group catch up.

Hodne stesti!


Escort to Kwangok

15.6.1949 3:40pm

65th IAD

3x Yak-15  player

1x Il-4 


Good work guys! Our first mission was successful. We lost two bombers in battle and  nacionalist 7 fighters. Coastal cruiser  who attacked the island was badly damaged by our bombers and later finished by our destroyers.

Today our jet fighters escort one bomber Il-4 with Military delegation to  Kwangok airfield (AE5). Your Roj will land in the same place. We do not expect today any enemy activity here.

If you lost (in fight) escorted Il-4, fly to coast on south and search Kwangok airfield for landing.

Hodne stesti!


Convoy defense

20.6.1949 6:40pm

65th IAD

3x La-9  (Lead Roj)

3x La-9 (Second Roj)

3xJak-15 (Player)

3x La-9 patrol over airfield (You can call base for help and will be sent for your support)

Home radio beacon AM

Our escorted bomber was attacked by enemy P-38s but we were able to defend him. Now we are back on your base.


Our ship convoy AQ15 sail to south west. The reconnaissance ship sent us a message: Little group of enemy bomber-fighters fly to target area. Fly at maximum speed to the target area and patrol over ship convoy.

Hodne stesti!


Column defense

26.6.1949 8:00am

65th IAD

3x Yak-15 (Lead Roj)

3x Yak-15 (Second Roj)

3x Yak-15 (player)

4x La-9 (On the way to the target)

1x Combat train (On the way to the target)

Enemy large group of unknown bombers-fighters is on the way near of our coast in low-level. Their goal is probably our supply column (AP17)

Supply columns go to south. Follow your lead Roj to the target. Our supply cars are near Gornoye town. Save air space over columns-search and destroy enemy bombers.

4x La-9 are on the way, they will be here first. Our column is defended by combat AAA train.

Hodne stesti!


Kchunchun defense

1.6.1949 4:30pm

65th IAD

3x Mig-9  (Lead Roj)

3x Mig-9 (Second Roj)

3x Mig-9 (player)

3x La-9 (on the way to the target)

3x La-9 patrol over airfield (You can call base for help and will be sent for your support)

Home radio compass AM


Kuomintang attack our industry with heavy bombers. Now we can use very powerfull jet interceptor Mig-9. It will certainly be very unpleasant surprise for enemy!


Enemy large group of heavy bombers go attack Khunchun town. Go to position south east from this town and patrol here AF10 . Follow second Roj to the target. Get the speed in 800m in course 200°.Climb in course 225° to the 7000m. Search and destroy enemy bombers.  If you lost visual contact with your group, you can use radio compass AR (Khunchun position).

Hodne stesti!

Tips for play: Dont use 37mm cannon over 4000m!


Dunnin defense

7.7.1949 7:00am

65th IAD

3x Mig-9  (Lead Roj)

3x Mig-9 (Second Roj)

3x Mig-9 (player

3x La-9 (on the way to the target)

3x La-9 patrol over airfield (You can call base for help and will be sent for your support)

Home radio beacon AM

Great work, enemy bombers suffered heavy losses. Mig-9 is very good interceptor and czech are very good pilots!


Enemy large group of heavy bombers go attack Dunnin town. Go to position south south from this town AK22 and patrol here. Follow second Roj to the target. Get the speed in 800m in course 190° and go to the 7000m. Search and destroy enemy bombers.  If you lost visual contact with your group, you can use radio compass AR (Dunnin position).

Hodne stesti!


Ussuriysk defense

12.7.1949 5:00am

65th IAD

3x Mig-9  (Lead Roj)

3x Mig-9 (Second Roj)

3x Mig-9 (player)

3x La-9 (Fourth Roj)

3x La-9 patrol over airfield (You can call base for help and will be sent for your support)

Home radio beacon AM


Enemy large group of unknown bombers go attack Ussuriysk town in low-level. Go to position south east  from this town AS20 and patrol here. Follow second Roj to the target. Enemy fly very low about 800-1000m. Stay at this altitude for better visibility .  Search and destroy enemy bombers. 

Hodne stesti!


Ussuriysk night defense 

20.7.1949 3:00am

65th IAD

1x Mig-9  

1x Mig-9  

1x Mig-9 player

Home radio beacon AM


Kuomintang suffered heavy losses, now tries night attack. 

Enemy little groups of unknown bombers go attack Ussuriysk town. Go to position over Ussuriysk town and patrol here in 3000m. Follow our searchlights and attack on single bombers. If you lost Ussuriysk town, you can use your radio compass for AR beacon.

Hodne Stesti

Tips for play: Enemy bombers attack in little groups in time 3:11-3:22am.  For lighting of runway set the command.


Battle over Dunay

27.7.1949 3:00pm

65th IAD

2x Mig-9 (Lead Roj)

2x Mig-9 (player)

1x Avia B-534 (Cpt. Vomacka cover our base)

Our pilots report activity of enemy jet fighters above the coast. Today go to patrol over Dunay (AU11). Maybe we'll meet and see what's going on. Follow your lead Roj to the target.

This is last mission, Hodne stesti!



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