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How to improve your English

How to improve your English


Use an advanced monolingual dictionary. Look at a word which has many entries (e.g. sense) – the dictionary will list useful multiple meanings with common short phrase examples in current use (a sense of relief, direction, proportion, justice, smell/taste/touch etc. there is no sense in, talk some sense into somebody etc.). There will be a large number of these and they will greatly expand your repertoire of collocations and fixed phrases. You can also help yourself with word formation by looking at later entries for the word (sensible, (in)sensitive, senseless, sensor, sensitise, sensory, sensuous, sensual). You will also find dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs.

In addition to any coursebook, try to read as many types of text as possible, such as: fiction books (modern novels and short stories), non-fiction books, especially biographies, newspapers and magazines, including articles, written interviews, biographies, reports, reviews. All of these types of text can be found online.

If you read widely and often it enables youto acquire knowledge of aspects of English such as collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs and linkers, and get a feel for the syntax of written English.

What is the best way to develop my speaking skills? The short answer is that you need to take every opportunity to speak English. Try to use English in a wide range of contexts – different topics, different people and different purposes for speaking.

What else can I listen to outside the classroom? Try to listen to as wide a variety of things as possible. Internet podcasts are very useful, as are English TV channels and radio stations. Listen to a range of programmes, including news broadcasts, interviews and documentaries.