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23. 7. 2017

Sherlock Anglicky a Česky, část 1.

A ještě pár slov k této knize: Tato kniha Klárka vytvořila pro maminku, proto je v nějakých částech i anglická; celou knihu vytvářela Klára sama a já nechci opravovat její pravopisné chyby, protože by kniha ztratila trochu té své "vtipnosti" (a taky se mi nechce všechno opravovat :D); asi Vám bude chvíli trvat, než knihu pochopíte a jak říká sama autorka: ,,Začátek knihy je nudnej..". Já bych neřekla úplně "nudnej", nevím, jak bych ho popsala.. No, sami uvidíte. Nicméně přejeme pěkné počteníčko a teď užpojedu přesně podle knihy ;D

*Storm = plyšový husky

Autorky: Klára Martinková, věta (závorka) a kurzíva


Reinbach fall

  (jsem tu i já ale hodně dlouho tady nebudu protože mám jednání) ahoj někde na 10 straně

     „Proč zrovna dnes?“ ,,mám to říct nahlas?“ zeptal se John Watson ,,rok a půl od vaši poslední návštěvy“ řekla Dr „čtete noviny?“ zeptal se John „někdy“ odpověděla mu Dr.  John shook his head and said „a televizi sledujete... vy víte proč tu jsem... jsem tu prot...“ nedořekl John doktorka se podívala na Johna a řekla ,,co se stalo Johne?“ John se na ni podíval a řekl,,Sherlock“ „musíte to ze sebe dostat“ řekla doktorka„my best friend, Sherlock, is dead“ 


                      O tři měsíce dříve

     „Reichenbašský pád, Turnerovo mistrovské dílo a za jeho dlužíme Sherlockovi Holmesovi... drobný projev naší vděčnosti“ řekl nějakej chlap a podal Sherlockovi malou gave a small  red box. Sherlock shook her and said „my shirt cuff should unzipping“ John corrected him but „he wants to say thanks“ Sherlock looked at him and said „ I want?“ and John answered „say it“ „and thank you“ said Sherlock „Stop“ said John and someone started to shoot Sherlock and John apin and spoon. „Again, I was reunited with his family, then a terrible ordeal and for my deliverance is due to man, Sherlock Holmes“ as you said, a man and his son handed Sherlock blue small box. Sherloc looked at her and said „you do not wear a tie“.


     „Peter Ricoletty, number one on the list of interpol since 1982, we got it thanks to one person who provided us with critical guidance, with his usual diplomacy“ he said the guy who's like you do not know what it's called „sarcas?“ he asked John „Yes“ he replied Sherlock „we passed“ he said again that guy who's not know her name and handed Sherlock's  some kind of packade, therefore, at least I think it is a package. Sherlock tore the paper (about paper) and there was one of those hats thas have a brim both sides think it's deerstalker and everyone said to put her Sherlock. „So let's Behind You“ said John, Sherlock put on his hat, and people started clapping. 

               ONE PHOTO     


„Egghead, egghead Sherlock Holmes“ řekl Sherlock „everyone gets it“ řekl John „gets what?“ he asked Sherlock „nickname in the tabloids, Jay Lo- governor, also may soon get some“ said John „page 5 of 6 column first sentence“ said Sherlock „allus why the photo in cap“ Sherlock continued „bachelor Watson?“ John asked, but Sherlock is devoted cap „old“ John continued „what it's all for cap?“ interjected Sherlock „old? what the hell I want to say?“ he asked John „this is why the peak has two ancestors?“ asked Sherlock John saw him he said „it's a deerstalker“ continued „often seen in the company of a bachelor Watson“ Sherlock interrupted „that's easy to catch something? it it probably throws?“ John interrupted „inveterate bachelor Watson“ „lethal frisbee?“ he asked Sherlock „this is too much, we must be careful“ said John „she has flaps, earflaps's earflap John“ Sherlock said, and trew the hat to John „how cautious?“ he asked Sherlock „i mean, this is no longer the deerstalker cap is Sherlock Holmes, I tell you now that you're not exactly a private detective, that kind of piece, and you'll be famous!“ said John „oh it goes“ Sherlock said, and sat down in the chair „i hope so, but when one turns, which I love doing     calmly sinks!“ said John, Sherlock looked at him and said „it really bothers you!“ „what?“ he aked John „what people say“ said Sherlock „yes“ said John „they say that about me, I do not understand why it bothers you“ řekl Sherlock „just on himself points out, this week I'll get little case, whether you're in the newspaper“ řekl John.







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to je best

martklara@seznam.cz, 23. 7. 2017 18:57

když jsem tu knížku psala tak jsem fakt netušila že to dáš na blok :D