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3. 5. 2009
all in all (celkově) – All in all, I wouldn’t like to be a castaway.
All over (všude kolem) – There were palm trees on every part of the island.
By all means (jistě) – I’d like to borrow this book. By all means.
All in (vcelku) – A two week holiday on Tahiti costs ….., all in.
All in (vyčerpaný) – They were all in after swimming to the island.
All at once (náhle, nečekaně) – All at once they heard an explosion and ship started to sink.
All but (vše až na) – All but my father slept.
All being well (vše ok) – All being well my bus will arrive before noon.
All right (dobře) – I´m feeling all right today.
All right (jde to) – The film wasn´t brilliant but it was all right.
All the same (přesto) – The film was good all the same the book was better.
All told/in all (všehovšudy), all at once (současně) – There were 187 passengers on board in all and they tried to get into the lifeboat all at once.
First of all (nejprve), above all (zejména) – First of all, in emergency, remember, above all, don’t panic!
lose one´s way (ztratit se) – We didn´t have a map and so we lost our way.
Lose one´s head (ztratit hlavu) – Because of you I lost my head.
Be at a loss (být na rozpacích) – I´m at a loss what to say my to father.
Lose oneself in (ztratit se v), lose interest (ztratit zájem) – I really loosing myself in a good book but this one is so bad that I´m loosing interest.
Be lost without (ztracen bez) – I´m so glad you´re back, we were lost without you.
Lose face (ztratit dobré jméno) – Because of my accident with gun I lost my face.
Lose any sleep over (dělat si z něčeho hlavu) – I lose any sleep over from this problem with parents.
Lose one´s balance (ztrácet rovnováhu) – I always lose my balance when I´m standing on a beam (kladina).
Lose one´s life (zemřít) – 70 million people lost their life in the First and Second World War.
Lose weight (zhubnout), lose heart (ztratit odvahu,kuráž) – The only way to lose weight is to eat less, it´s easy to lose heart when other people are eating as much as they like.
Lose one´s nerve (ztratit odvahu) – I lost my nerve when I had to jump from the plane.
Lose touch (with) (ztratit kontakt) – We used to correspond regularly but now we lose touch.
Lose patience (ztratit trpělivost), lose one´s temper with (ztratit náladu,trpělivost s) – I lost patience with her when she refused (odmítala) to listen to my explanation and I quickly lost my temper with her.
Be a bad loser (špatně snášet prohru), lose count (nedopočítat se) – He is a bad loser – I lose count the number of times he has stormed out (odejít) of the room.
At the last moment (na poslední chvíli) – The hero was rescued at the last moment.
At a loss (v krizi) – The show closed because it was running at a loss.
At cross purposes (nemluvit o stejných věcech?) – We were talking at cross purposes.
At short notice (kdykoliv, během krátké doby),at least (přinejmenším) – It´s impossible to get tickets at short notice – you need to book at least six months in advance.
At the expense of (na úkor) – She was working much too hard at the expense of her health.
At all times (vždy) – When abroad, it´s advisable to carry your passport at all times.
At random (namátkově) – The winners are selected at random by a computer.
At any rate (rozhodně) – I was wonderful show – At any rate I enjoyed it.
At a loss (v rozpacích, nevědět co dělat) – It was a difficult problem and I was at a loss.
At any moment (každou chvíli) – Our friends will arrive at any moment.
At our expense (na naše náklady) – Please book a hotel room at our expense.
At a glance (na první pohled,hned jak jsem ho viděla) – I could tell at a glance that there had been s mistake.
At least (nakonec) – At least they did arrive.
By all means (jistě) – May I open the window? By all means.
By the way (mimochodem) – By the way, have you seen the new film?
By any chance (možná,asi) – I wonder if you know what´s on at the cinema tonight, by any chance?
By sight (od vidění), by name (podle jména) – I know that person by sight but not by name.
By myself (sám) – I don´t like going to the cinema by myself.
bring it back (vrátit),Bring down (přinést), take away – vzít pryč, bring off – zachránit, carry on – pokračovat, take round – provést, bring out – ukázat, take apart – rozebrat
bring that about (způsobit) – I wonder what brought that about?
Bring up (vychovávat) – She was brought up by her grand parets.
Bring out (vydat) – KFC brought out a new product –hamburger!
Bring round to (přivést k vědomí) – After a long discussion I brought round to my point of view.
Bring up (předložit) – Why don´t you bring the matter up at the meeting tomorrow?
Bring on (způsobit) – Her illness was brought on by stress and overwork.
Bring forward to (sjednat) – Can we bring our dinner forward?
Carry on with v (pokračovat) – Carry on what you were doing.
Get carry away (nechat se unést) – I got carried away when I saw the buffet and took more than I could eat.
Carry on with (mít pletky) – I carried on with my brother-in-law.
Carry out (hotový, udělaný) – The built is carries on.
Take up (zabírat) – Looking after five children takes up all their time.
Take on (ujmout, přijmout) – Are you willing (ochotný) to take on it?
Take him on (dát mu) – They took him the job.
Take for granted (považovat za samozřejmé) – We took for granted that you´d want to in the game.
Take-off (dojem), take in (zklamat), take a day off (mít prázdniny) – She did a brilliant take-off the boss´s voice over the phone but we weren´t take in when she said we could all take a day off.
Take her for granted (oceňovat) – She gets very upset when people take her for granted.
Take to (dát se na) – I ´d rather take to skiing.
Take it back (zmýlit se) – I took it back everything I said.
high and low (všude) – I have searched high and low for my keys.
High season (hlavní sezóna) – We went on our holiday in the high season.
Highlights (nejlepší části) – This CD contains the highlights of the show, not the whole thing.
Highbrow (intelektuálský), middlebrow (průměrný), lowbrow (nevzdělaný) – Operas and chamber music are often considered to be highbrow, while shows like musicals are sometimes described as middlebrow – or at least lowbrow.
Hi-fi (vysoká přesnost přenosu), high street (hlavní zóna) – Hi-fi equipment is on sale in every high street.
Highlight (zvýraznit) – Use yellow pen to highlight.
High-rise (vysoký), low-rise (nízký) – Would you like to live in a high-rise building – or do you think low-rise buildings are more pleasant for people to live in?
High-tech (vysoce moderní) – Passenger and vehicles will be carried on high-tech shuttle trains.
In high spirit (v dobré náladě) – Everyone was in high spirit before the weekend.
At high tide (příliv), at low tide (odliv) – There´s less room for holidaymaker on the beach at high tide than at low tide.
Feeling low (cítit se špatně) – that´s why I´m feeling low.
Middle-aged (střední věk) – I´m thirty, do you think I´m middle-aged?
Middle-class (střední vrstva) – In Britain, it´s not only middle-class people who own their own homes.
High school (střední škola), higher education (vyšší vzdělání) – Students who do well in their exams at high school can go on to higher education.
It´s high time! (je nejvyšší čas) – Don´t put off doing this work any longer – it’s high time!
in addition to (navíc k) – We give you a special present in addition to your car.
in brief (stručně řečeno) – The theme which I wanted were only given in brief in the students book.
in cash (v hotovosti) – You can pay by credit card or in cash.
in the circumstances (za daných okolností)
in comparison with (v pozorování s) – I´m too small in comparison with you.
in detail (detailně) – The book gives me information in great detail.
in difficulty (v obtížné situaci) – We were in such serious difficulty when we lost our passports.
in doubt (pochybovat) - I´m not sure about that – I´m in doubt.
in fun (ze srandy) – I thought you meant it in fun but they told me you were serious.
in ink (propiskou) – You can write it in ink.
in pencil (tužkou) – You can write it in pencil.
in person (osobně) – You should tell to her in person.
in private (soukromě) – It may be better to tell him off in private.
in public (veřejně) – I don´t like to speak in public.
in return (na oplátku) – I take you at home in return.
in tears (trápit se) – I always remember him in tears.
in trouble (mít vážné problémy) – I´m in trouble because of my car accident.
in the view of (vzhledem k) – In the view of your situation I have to help you.
in a whisper (šeptem) – Can you say it in whisper.
Out of contact (nebýt v kontaktu) – I´m out of contact with him.
In control (mít pod kontrolou) – This situation is in control.
In danger (být v nebezpečí) – The passengers were in great danger.
In debt (dlužit) – I lost my job and now I´m in debt.
Out of doors (venku) – She is not at home, she is out of doors.
Out of fashion (nemoderní) – Your look is very out of fashion.
Out of focus (rozmazaná fotka) – This picture is out of focus.
Out of hospital (venku z nemocnice) – Now I´m healthy, next day I´ll out of hospital.
In love (zamilovaný) – I´m in love with my boyfriend.
Out of luck (nemít štěstí) – I failed my exam. I was out of luck.
In pain (mít bolesti) –He was dying in pain.
Out of practise (vyjít ze cviku) –He hasn´t driven a car for a long time and now he is out of
In prison (být ve vězení) – He killed some person and now He is in prison.
In season (sezónní) – We were on holiday in main season.
In stock (na skladě) – This product isn´t in stock.
In touch (být v kontaktu) – I´m not in touch with him.
Out of tune (rozladěný) – My piano is out of tune.
Out of work (být propuštěn) – I stole some money and I was out of work.
To get hair cut (nechat se ostříhat) – I must get hair cut.
To get somebody (přesvědčit) – He got someone else to do the work.
To get old (stárnout) – My granmother really gets old.
To get sth. For sb. (přinést) – I get a present for my parents.
To get money (vydělat) – I have got very good job so I get a lot of money.
To get to do sth. (podařit se,dokázat) – Last year I got to do the exam from math.
To don’t get sth. (nepochopit vtip) – I really don´t get your joke. Please, explain it.
To get the letter (obdržet dopis) – Last week I got your letter.
To get the meal (uvařit jídlo) – I will get the meal for my boyfriend.
To get somewhere (přijet,dorazit někam) – We got there earlier than others.
To get sth. (dosáhnout něčeho) – It may be hard to get good results.
His attitude gets me (štvát, vadit) – His attitude really gets me.
To get ahead (uspět) – The only way to get ahead in dance is to have a good trainer.
To get along/on with (vycházet s někým) – I really get on with my parents.
To get at (kritizovat/naznačit) – to criticise/to imply
To get away (uniknout) – The prisoner got away from prison last week.
To get back to sb. (ozvat se někomu) – I have to get back to my mother. I have´t seen her for a long time.
To get going (začít, dát se do toho) – It ´s time to get going.
To get into (oblíbit si něco) – He is very good student. I really get into lessons with him.
To get down (zaznamenat,zapsat) – All of lectures I got down the paper.
To get me down (deprimovat) - Bad mark really gets me down.
To get nowhere (nedostat se někam) – We´re getting nowhere, let´s try a different plan.
To get on for (brzo jít na – o hodinách) – It´s getting on for lunchtime.
To get one´s own back (pomstít se) – I get her own back by kissing my boyfriend.
To get out of (vyvarovat se něčemu) – You should get out of smoking.
To get over/across (překonat něco) – It´s very difficult to get across my fear.
To get together (sejít se) – I will get together with my friend next week.
To get round to (dostat se k něčemu) – I get round to my homework – to do it.
To get through (spojit se s někým) – I tried to call you but I couldn´t get through.
Come of age (plnoletý) – Come of age is the age when we become officially adult.
For ages (léta letoucí) – He has known her for ages.
Space age(doba létání do vesmíru) – Space age has been the time since the first way into space.
Stone age (doba kamenná) – Stone age is the period when people worked by stone.
Under age (neplnoletý – u nás pod 18) – If you are under age you can´t buy drinks in a pub.
Fresh air (čistý vzduch)- Plenty of fresh air can keep you healthy.
Fresh start (nový začátek) – This new job is a fresh start to her new life.
Freshwater (sladká voda) – The river Labe is freshwater, it isn´t saltwater.
New blood (nova posila) – He was a new blood into the company. He had a lot of good ideas.
New World (Amerika) – America is called a New world.
Newcomer (nováček) – He is a newcomer in our school because he is a student of first year.
Old hand (zkušený pracovník) – Old hand is a person who does his job very long time.
Old flame (stará láska) – Thomas is my old flame from childhood.
Old friend (letitý přítel) - Thomas is my old friend from childhood.
Old master (bývalí učitelé) -
Old times (historický,klasický) – It´s a beautiful book from the old times.
Old wives´tale (pověry) – Old wives´tale is an old tradition which isn´t absolutely true.
(Don´t hit him to the head – he became stupid)
Old world (Evropa) – Europe is called Old world.
As old as you feel (starý tak,jak se cítíš) – You are as old as you feel.
Young at heart (cítit se mladě) – She is 78 years old, but she is still young at heart.