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ObrazekFreeline Skates is new adrenaline sport like Skateboarding, snowboarding or surfing. It is two metal skartes on two 70mm wheels. The technique used to skate with Freelines is unique to the skates, and is challenging to learn. The style of riding resemble the c-walk, because you move to feet in and feet out. The moving is little nontraditional. But the ride is great. Freeline skates are really new choice.  For freeline are some tricks. Time for useing to freeline is two days, after you are better and better.  The inventor of freeline is Ryan Farrelly, who likes skateboring, snowboarding and surfing and because he made this skates, which resemble this activities. The first official freeline skate was made in San Francisco in 2003. Freeline skates are still more and more popular in the world.